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General Directions

Proper steps to reach out to your Legislator

We need your help telling Legislators about the value of the arts in your community. We want to provide you with talking points to help you focus your communication and help you fold your story into TFTA's "One Voice One Message" strategy. We are asking you to join with fellow Arts Advocates to amplify our voice for and commitment to the arts in Tennessee, our support of the Specialty License Plate program, and grants provided by the Tennessee Arts Commission.


Speaking for the arts with one, unified and strategic voice has enabled TFTA to protect and grow our funding for over two decades. And in order to keep that voice working for us in the most effective way, we must communicate well and we must know the audiences we need to reach. TFTA has several audiences…among those are our members, the general public who we’d hope to cultivate as future members, advocates and supporters, and policy makers. With our audiences in mind, and the rule of “seven C’s” in effective communication that messaging must be: clear, concise, concrete, correct, coherent, complete and courteous.


Ideally, this communication leads to action on the part of the reader who now understands and believes in TFTA’s mission who then asks How do I join the effort? What can I do?

How to find your Legislator

So you can share with them the importance of the arts.

How to find out if your Legislators are in the Arts Caucus

If so, don't forget to thank them!

Share with TFTA! 

We want to hear your story! Email a copy of your letter to Your email will serve as permission for TFTA to share with other members for encouragement and inspiration.

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